Thursday, January 6, 2011

Let's Pack up and Move to California...

            After spending two hours configuring the appearance of the space, I am finally able to post without wincing at the computer screen! As most of you may know, I created this blog to share the events that commence in California next week, including NAMM, Downtown Disney, and of course, the shenanigans of the band. Videos and photos will be included. :]

            I’d like to thank everyone again for voting online at and helping us win this amazing opportunity. The whole band is immensely excited, and we can’t wait to represent New England in the battle of the bands at Downtown Disney. The question is this; how do we represent the east coast during our stay on the west coast, other than wearing sports team merchandise? My brain can only handle so much this week with the preparations! I need some brain power from you. ;)

            The last time I traveled to California was a few years back when my family stayed in Newport Beach. I can’t remember much of it, other than the beautiful landscape, all of the large homes, and Disneyland. It will be quite the experience going back there with Andy, Cody, and Cam. I’m afraid Cody won’t move from the NAMM floor after finding a guitar company he’s interested in, and Cam won’t budge after finding the poolside at the hotel. I wonder if Andy will find a California Gurl while we’re over there. *nudge nudge, wink wink* As for me, I’ll take it all in stride. I believe this trip will be one of the definitive moments in the start of something much, much bigger than anything the band could ever dream of.

            We’ll be departing from Massachusetts this Tuesday. I’m currently accumulating a list of things I’ll need for the trip.

            -toothbrush, toothpaste, toiletries
            -iPod – where is that again?
            -bass guitar
            -ear plugs
            -makeup suitcase (just kidding!)
            -Raggedy Andy – not my keyboardist, the rag doll!
            -Gaming headset
            -mysterious fans lurking in suitcases, I won’t mention any names.
            -Phone Charger
            - Everything else I’m missing…
It’s a decent start, right?

            Though I don’t listen to this band, I find this song very fitting for the post, and quite catchy. Without further adieu, I will leave you with some Hawk Nelson.

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