Thursday, February 26, 2015

1/4 of the way there...

I thought I'd try to start writing again for a few reasons.

1)I've been sitting in the Starbucks for the past 3 hours and I'm starting to get the hipster/urban/beard-wearing blog vibes that are seeping in my old cappuccino.

2)I write lyrics all the time. While I love the coupling of song and words, sometimes lyrics are too boxed in. Sometimes you just have to let it all out in plain type.

3)A LOT IS HAPPENING and I can't keep it all in.

With that said, I'm doing pretty well! I'm writing more music and trying to get back to the single life after two years of a beautiful relationship that just... yeah. I'm talking too much already! ;) I've been meeting so many new, fantastic people through all mediums - gaming, tinder, working, college. etc. Also graduating in May from Berklee. WHAT.

I'm still playing World of Warcraft. The game has so many politics of its own! I'm playing a discipline priest and I'm the BIGGEST nerd when it comes to simulating numbers/bubbles/raid healing. Shameless armory plug here 

I've also been twitching, as I like to call it, while I raid. Yep, that's my bedroom. You might think it's clean. It's all just green screen. ;)

The band's been doing well! If you live in outer space, we've changed our name to 95Hyde. We're actually a Van Halen cover band now. (Jon persuaded us.) I wear spandex, chain mail bikinis, and a perm at all times.

Kidding. Seriously though we're writing more hard rock music and playing a couple shows this April. I'll keep ya posted.

All in all, I just... need another outlet. I don't really mind if no one reads this, it's more for my own sanity than anything else. If I can't get things out here, I'll just spew it all out to my friends who are already sick of my ramblings. ;)

I'll see if I can separate these posts so if people -do decide to read- them, there will be separate sections for warcraft, band, life, etc.


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