Tuesday, March 3, 2015

PAX EAST in 3 Days!

AHHHHHHHHHH I’m so excited! For those of you who don’t know, PAX East is a gaming convention hosted in Boston that has everything to do with all kinds of games and it’s happening in 3 days. Board games, card games, PC games, platform games, indie games, tablet/phone games…


In addition to attending the con, I’ll be meeting up with some of my friends from around the United States. Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, Colorado, and Pennsylvania.

That’s what I LOVE about gaming. I get to meet up with people I’ve had genuine connections with from around the world, and that connection is arguably deeper than a lot of the connections I have in my everyday life.

Yes, yes, it’s true. People can be whatever they want to be on the internet. Having a screen in front of your face, however, can also make you more comfortable. Not having to deal with physical judgment can make you feel safe to expose the real you, your dreams and aspirations to people you’ve only talked to through a piece of technology.

I’ve known some of these friends for a few months, some of them for six years. It just boggles my mind how many people are connected with one another and how many meaningful opportunities come out of these friendships. Did I mention I got a gig at Wheaton College once through friends in World of Warcraft? Mad skill.

I’m going to be taking so many photos of the events this weekend and posting them later on, probably sometime next week. Goals for Friday: Seeing the Blizzard panel/announcement and meeting MarkiPlier. <3 And of COURSE spending time with my friends!

I got this shirt for the con and I’m SUPER excited. 

Have any of you guys made some friends on the internet you still keep in touch with? :) 

In the meantime, I have to clean my house. My place is going to be full of nerds this weekend. THIS IS THE DREAM. 

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